O que se segue é um programa das comemorações do 60º aniversário da independência de Israel. O dia que se assinala é o 14 de Maio*, mas as festividades começam já hoje e prolongam-se por mais uns quantos dias. Desde o tradicional barbecue em família à divulgação dos resultados de uma votação nacional para escolher o pássaro que haverá de simbolizar o país, há de tudo, com e sem simbolismos, com e sem intenções pedagógicas, com e sem as instituições do estado, com e sem aparato, com e sem muito dinheiro.

Peço desculpa por a lista ser em inglês (mas sempre é preferível ao hebraico...).
* 14 de Maio, no calendário judaico, este ano calha no nosso 8. Cada terra com seu uso, não é verdade, e se a Terra-média tem direito aos mais desvairados calendários por que é que a Terra Santa não há-de ter também o seu?
Lighting up the skies of Israel
Massive light shows with illuminations, music, laser shows and special effects will adorn the skies of Israel on the eve of Independence Day. The displays will take place at a number of locations, from Nahariya in the north to the southernmost city of Eilat, and the coastal plain in the west to the spine of the mountains in the east. The performances will also be broadcast live on television.
Location: Across the country
Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: 8 P.M.
We are as one
A video presentation of the history of the State of Israel will be broadcast on screens across the country. The footage contains key points in the history of the state, including the Declaration of Independence in 1948.
Location: Nationwide
Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: 10 P.M.
Recreation of the Declaration of Independence

Location: Independence Hall, Tel Aviv
Date: Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9
Time: 9 A.M.
Entrance is free!
From Ninet to Mashina, live on stage for Independence Day
Location:Across the country
Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: From 8 P.M.
Ashkelon: Yuval the Confused, Ron Shoval, Hadas Moreno, House of Dolls, and Erik Berman.
Ashdod: Yuval the Confused, David D'Or, Dana International, pyrotechnics and laser shows
Haifa: Moshe Lahav, Kobi Aflalo, Teapacks, Stalos, Oren Chen, Hani Nachmias, Subliminal and the Tact Family
Herzliya: Pablo Rosenberg, Margalit Tzanani, expert illusionist Hezi Dayan, Tal Museri
Netanya: Harel Skaat, Margalit Tzanani, Mashina, Ninet, Synergy, Ivri Lider, the Pajamas, and Idan Yaniv
Ramat Gan: Boaz Meuda, Mashina, Synergy, Knesiat Hasechel, Tzvika Pik, Yehudit Ravitz, Boaz Sharabi, Harel Skaat, Dafna Dekel, Yaniv the Fabulous

Yavneh: Muki, Tal Mann, fireworks displays, dance parties
Getting that Zionist feeling on Independence Day
If at your house, all those who have not yet finished school are convinced that the first Prime Minister of Israel was Grandpa Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof, perhaps it is worth nudging them in the direction of sites that commemorate our settlement, heritage and security. You will be surprised at the number of attractions that are definitely worth a visit-celebrating 60 years of a state and its independence is a good a reason as any to go, even if you can recite the entire history of independence by heart.
We are the pioneers!
The Palmach museum in Tel Aviv, is one of the most impressive in Israel, featuring the interior of the ship used to bring the immigrants over to mandate Palestine, (including the suffocating smell, the pioneers' suitcases and waves of ocean spray), the inspectors' tents, detention center and even a military post. The exhibits in the museum are ordered chronologically and groups will follow the journey of the Palmach and experience along with them the training and the discussions of military operations with other underground organizations and of course, the announcement of the Declaration of Independence and the War of Independence.
Location: 10 Haim Levanon Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv.
When: Sunday, Monday 09:00-17:00; Tuesday 09:00-20:00; Wednesday 09:00-15:00; Thursday 09:00-13:30; Friday 09:00-11:00
Defense is the best form of attack
In Israel today, we typically build the railway tracks first and then only afterwards realize that it was not such a good idea. This could well trigger a yearning for the generation who knew how to construct on a grand scale and in an orderly fashion. Take for example, members of the Haganah, who in 1945 were already preparing for the War of Independence. With this in mind, they acquired Polish machines designed to produce rifle bullets. Underneath the laundry buildings and bakery, groups dug a 250 meter hiding place to store their weapons. The Ayalon Institute in Rehovot, deserves praise for its excellent reconstruction of the secret hiding place.
Location: Kibbutzim Hill, Rehovot.
When: Sunday-Thursday 08:30-16:00; Monday, 08:30-18:00 (March-October); Friday 08:30-12:00; Saturday 09:00-16:00.
Bravery caught on camera

Location: Hatser Tel Hai, Galil Elion.
When: Sunday-Thursday 08:00-16:00; Friday and erev chag 10:00-15:00.
Old and new
Kibbutz Ein Shemer was built in 1913. You will see for yourselves the size of the dream and the belief held by the kibbutz members that arrived and held onto the place by their fingernails. Even drinking water had to be brought by wagon for 12 years. That is one of the reasons why Ein Shemer has become an exceptional example, and why today the kibbutz is flourishing and exhibits 'The Old Courtyard'-a magnificent refurbished courtyard, surrounded by original and reconstructed buildings, a tractor display, guided tours on the Turkish railway, an audiovisual presentation and even bread-baking. All of this is flavored with the guides' favorite stories and enriched with activities that take place during holidays and festivals.
Location: Kibbutz Ein Shemer, near Gan Shmuel, Caesaria and Binyamina.
When: Sunday-Thursday 08:00-16:00; Friday and erev chag 08:00-13:00; Shabbat and festivals 10:00-15:00
NILI's British partisans
We had to undergo a lot of suffering and hardship to achieve a state of our own. The first people here were really the first. For the pioneers and the urbanites, everything was totally new. Unlike us, there was no one for them to accuse. NILI was one of the first Jewish underground organizations to be established, founded by a group of boys and girls. The Aaronsohn House Museum in Zichron Yaakov follows the story of the young people who under frightening Turkish rule aided the entry of the British army into Israel. The museum exhibits the tools, furniture and documents from that period and audiovisual presentations provide an additional and thorough explanation of the events that took place.
Location: Zichron Yaakov
When: Sunday-Thursday 09:00-14:00; guided tour on the hour every hour-Tuesday until 15:00; Friday until 12:00
Independence Day parties

There are three birthday parties for the public, all of which will begin at 1 P.M. on Friday May 9. The three parties will take place at Nitzanim Beach near Ashkelon, Rabin Square in Tel Aviv and Achziv Beach in the Galilee. Entrance is free
There will be a special birthday party at the President's Residence starting on 4 P.M. on May 11 for people who were born on the same date as the State of Israel. If you were born on the fifth of Iyar 5708 (May 14, 1948) or know someone who was, please contact the organizers by emailing minhelet60@israelexperience.org.il or meravmu@israelexperience.org.il or by calling (02) 621 6464
A wild party in the Naga neighborhood of Jaffa, in association with Poike restaurant. On the menu is lots of meat, alcohol and excellent music. At the turntable will be Erez Tzuk Ramon and Hadas Orbuch.
Location: Salona bar, Jaffa
Date: Thursday, May 9
Time: From 8 P.M.
Nadav Ravid and Amir Egozi are in charge of the music at this intimate party.
Location: Shesek bar, Tel Aviv
Date: Thursday, May 9
Time: From 10 P.M.
Broken Beats
Electro music and a wild party. Toaster will be at the turntable.
Location: Uganda, Jerusalem
Date: Thursday, May 9
Time: From 10 P.M.
Unveiling Israel's national bird on Independence Day

Telfed goes north
Telfed (the South African Zionist Federation) has organized a one-day tour to the Galilee on Tuesday 13th May in honor of Yom Haatzmaut. Buses will pick participants up from Ra'aana and the nearby Protea Village and the tour includes a special memorial ceremony for the South African who have fallen in Israel's wars and in terrorist attacks, to take place at the South African Memorial at the Golani Junction.
ESRA's new picnic generation
The English-Speaking Residents' Association (ESRA) was founded in 1979 by a group of English-speaking residents of Herzliya and Kfar Shmaryahu and now includes additional branches in Ramat Hasharon, Raanana, Kfar Saba and Hod Hasharon. ESRA's New Generation group (aimed at 25- to 45-year-olds) is planning an Erev Yom Ha'atzmaut picnic in Raanana Park.
Falafel Tea Party
On Sunday, 11th May, the Netanya branch of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI) will be celebrating Israel's 60th with a Falafel Tea Party. The program includes a photographic slide show, readings and memories from AACI Netanya members and friends, accompanied by falafel, Israel's national snack. The movie 'The Forgotten Refugees' (2005), that explores the history and destruction of Middle Eastern Jewish communities and includes extensive testimony from former residents of Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Iraq, will be screened.
Yom Haatzmaut Prayers in Be'er Sheba
Beersheba's Rambam Synagogue invites all those interested to join Yom Ha'atzmaut services to celebrate Israel's 60th birthday with prayer and song in the Carlebach-style. Services start at 7:45 p.m., on Wednesday May 7th, and will be conducted in Hebrew. Rambam Synagogue is located behind the Rambam School, 4 Sha'ar Yeshuv St., Shechunah Hey, Beersheba. Rambam is an Orthodox synagogue where men and women sit separately. Respectful attire is required.
Meeting Herzl

Singalong and party till dawn
On 7th May Mercaz HaMagshimim, the centre for younger olim and Jewish creativity, combining an absorption center, community center and activism center, is hosting a singalong of Israeli songs and a party, starting at 21:30 and continuing till the break of dawn. Revellers will be sustained by an open-air barbeque, and alcoholic and soft drinks. There is access for wheelchairs. All revenues from the party will go towards supporting the 'Tzur Israel' school in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, which specializes in taking care of youth in danger.
Take an Independence Day trip
What's the best way to get to know Israel? Take a trip around the country. This time, to celebrate 60 years of the State, come and try something different: jeep rides, treasure hunts and walking treks. You could hold a barbecue (mandatory on Independence Day). Or you could take the whole family to visit unique historical sites, but in order to really honor the 60th birthday of the State of Israel hand in hand with its independence, go on a trip, because only then will you get to see the land close-up, a country that will very shortly be reaching retirement age but with no intention of give up work.
Stories of the old Nitzanim site
What is it: Fascinating tours of the new Nitzanim site where you will encounter characters from the past, discover what happened at the battle of Nitzanim and watch an exciting audio-visual presentation. To finish, you can find out about trips you can take independently within the nature reserve.
When: Thursday 8th May between 10:00 and 12:00 at the Shekamim Field School.
Cost: Free
Family outing in the Galilee
What is it: A journey through the orchard groves and fields of the western Galilee, to the Monument of the Fourteen Hands; visit the site immortalizing those that fell at the battle of the Night of the Bridges in 1946 and from there continue onto the beach promenade until you reach the caves. After that, climb the tower and stockade defenses which protected the homes of the first settlers in Hanita and end with a walking tour in Adamit Park with views over the Galilee and the sea.
When: Friday 9th May at 09:00.
Cost: 40 NIS.
Independence Celebration in Adulam Park

When: Thursday 8.5 at 11:00.
Cost: Free.
Oil Lamp Tours at the Castel
What is it: A tour by oil lamp through the winding caves, water holes and olive oil press in the Castel National Park. During the tour, the participants will walk through the reserve, imagining the difficulties in transferring the supply convoys to the hidden city and between the military outposts. From there, you will continue to the national park and by the light of an oil lamp you will wander through the connecting trenches and discover the stories of the "Castel" that constituted one of the turning points of the War of Independence.
When: 9, 10 May from 17:00.
Cost: 45 NIS adults; 35 NIS children.
Stories, palace and sand dunes
What is it: An evening trek to the sand dunes reservation at Nitzanim. Visit the "palace" - proof of the courage of the inhabitants of Nitzanim, sixty years ago; wander around the sand dunes; be amazed by the beautiful sunset, roll down the golden dunes, observe different animals and snack on pita and tea.
When: Friday 9.5 at 15:00.
Cost: 60-90 NIS
Tractors and wagons
What is it: Experiential activities for children and parents at the Courtyard Museum, Kibbutz Ein Shemer, to symbolize sixty years of agriculture in Israel. The outing includes a wonderful display of tractors, agricultural tools from the period during and before the foundation of the State, creative activities, a ride on the Turkish Railway that dates back to the beginning of the last century and a tour of the wagons that were harnessed to the tractors.
When: Saturday 10.5 at 09:30.
Cost: 45-66 NIS.
Springs at Zin Valley
What is it: A family jeep tour through the countryside and by the springs and along short walking tracks within the Zin Valley near Kibbutz Sde Boker in the central Negev. During the trip you will travel through the wide open spaces of the valley, visit the huge desert in the region and then finish with a refreshing splash in the spring.
When: Saturday 10.5 at 10:00.
Cost: 273-387 NIS per jeep.
Encounter with the park birds

What is it: Tens of species of migrant birds are prevented from inhabiting the heart of Tel Aviv. In Park Hayarkon in Tel Aviv, you will come cross warblers, orioles, starlings and even exotic birds that have managed to escape from the zoo and now endanger the local birds.
When: Saturday 10.5 at 08:30.
Cost: 51-75 NIS.
We proclaim the establishment of the State!
What is it: A family hike to commemorate 60 years of the State in Rabin Park, Latrun, where you will solve interesting puzzles, discover facts that you didn't know about the people that created the State and walk or drive in private cars along the paths that run through the park.
When: Friday and Saturday, 9-10 May at 10:00.
Cost: 30 NIS children; 20 NIS for an accompanying parent.
Watching birds up close

When: Saturday 10.5 at 08:00. Exit from the gate at Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael.
Cost: 39-60 NIS.
Military and police celebrations on Independence Day
The IDF salutes Israel
Aerial, naval and skydiving displays will take place throughout the day, at various locations throughout the country.
Location: Nationwide
Date: Thursday, May 8
Time: 1 P.M.
Israel Police celebrations
Israel Police will hold a parade, including expositions of their detective capabilities, the fight against crime and the use of animals in the war on drugs. There will also be paint-ball, an artist's corner and a skills showcase.
Location: Police academy, Kiryat Ata
Date: Thursday, May 8
Time: 9 A.M.
Naval display
The Israel Navy will put on a display of boats along the Herzliya coastline. The naval boats will be accompanied by some 200 yachts and together they will sail down to the Tel Aviv beachfront. There will also be a showcase by members of the naval cadets at Herzliya marina.
Location: Herzliya Marina
Date: Thursday, May 8
Time: 10 A.M.
Israel Defense Forces orchestra Independence Day parade

Location: Haifa
Date: Thursday, May 8
Time: 11:30 A.M.
Tenho algumas dúvidas, não da veracidade do conteúdo, mas da imparcialidade do post. Mais umas semanas e virás com a sugestão de se comemorar o 25 de Abril com pássaros, ou melhor, com águias. E o post ficará tão composto como este. Águia-rabalva, águia-de-cabeça-branca, águia-pesqueira-africana, águia-cobreira, águia-de-asa redonda, águia-pomarina, águia-gritadeira (esta habita lá para os lados da Catedral), águia-imperial-ibérica, e muitas mais.
Este ano a espécie que apareceu mais lá na Catedral foi a águia-tremideira... agora é esperar que não lhe suceda a águia-brasileira.
Parece que há outra águia... a águia-sueca ;)
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